Clothes Closet
We operate our clothes closet for the community through HOPE CORNER every Wednesday from 9:00-11:00am. This obviously runs parallel to the food pantry. As you wait for your opportunity to visit the food pantry, you have time to look for some free clothes that might be a blessing to you also. These clothes are donated throughout the year, and those ministering in this way try diligently to keep the closet stocked, as well as appropriate for the season. Let us be a blessing to you in this way.
Food Pantry
We operate our food pantry for the community through HOPE CORNER every Wednesday from 9:00am-11:00am. Those from the church who are able to help do so because we care about those in need in the community. We want to be a tangible example of the love of Christ for them, and hope that we can meet more than just their temporary food needs. If you have fallen upon hard times, you can come once a month on Wednesday mornings and let us be a blessing to you.
Bus Ministry
For some years we have gone out into different parts of our community running vans and buses to pick up those who might want to come and worship but do not have means of transportation. Obviously, this often involves children and youth. We run these routes Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings. If you have questions about our Bus Ministry, please email the church office. We do not want transportation to be the only thing standing between you and this caring church family!
Meets every Tuesday from 7-8pm at Hope Corner.
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