Mission Statement:

Connecting people to Christ by caring for our community.

90 Day Goals:

1.   5 New Service Opportunities

2.    Bible Book It

3.    Connect at least 3 Small Groups to Outreach

4.    50% of Worship Service in Sunday School

1 Year Goal:

In one year, we want to see a people going deeper in their walks with Christ. This will happen in a number of ways. One is to spend more quality time in prayer and the study of Scripture. We want to see discipleship taking place in our homes. Another way is to find an outlet for service. Small group participation will also be key, and those small groups will connect to outreach.

3 Year Goals:

1. Create Thriving Missions Partnerships

2. Explore the possibility of expanding our church’s facility footprint

3. Better Equip our Existing Ministries and Ministry Leaders

4. Investigate how we might partner with our sister churches

Vision (7 years):

The visual for our future vision is a train. When praying about what image might serve us well, God brought to mind the close connection our community has with trains. There are various connections our vision will have with the imagery of trains. Seven years from now we want to see a church family that is closely connected to Christ and one another. We want to see a church all pulling in the same direction, the advancement of the kingdom of God. We want to see a growing sense of anticipation for worship, new avenues to express it, and passion to honor God in song and service. We want to see healthy families wherein adults who are being discipled are pouring into their children. We want to see expanded outlets for mission engagement for those connected with our church family. We want to see a diverse group of people involved in our services and ministries that better reflect that of our community. We want to see the footprint of our campus expand to accommodate more families and provide for more ministry opportunities.


The mission of First Baptist is no surprise. It is not one which we dreamed up on our own, but rather we must simply adopt the mission given by Jesus Himself. It is centered around the Great Commission of Matthew 28. While many see the Great Commission as largely evangelistic in nature, we know that the text goes so much deeper than this. It is a call to make disciples, not converts. There is a call to teach those who have been baptized. Further, our mission is to help those in need, with a mindset to help with both the physical and spiritual needs. The Great Commission is the mission Jesus Christ gave the church, which makes it the mission of FBC.


We believe that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life, and that no one comes to the Father except through Him. We believe that the Holy Bible as the inerrant, infallible, and inspired Word of God and the basis for our beliefs. We subscribe to the doctrinal statement of the Baptist Faith and Message. We voluntarily band ourselves together as a body of baptized believers in Jesus Christ, personally committed to sharing the good news of salvation to lost mankind.

We voluntarily associate with the Piedmont Baptist Association, North Carolina Baptists, and the Southern Baptist Convention.