Youth Lake Day!
Bring your bathing suits/towels/sunscreen, etc....We will be leaving following our morning service. We will return sometime late in the evening (time tbd)
Bring your bathing suits/towels/sunscreen, etc....We will be leaving following our morning service. We will return sometime late in the evening (time tbd)
Leave the church @9am and return @ 10pm. Cost is $40 per ticket and you will need food money! RSVP by July 25th See Youth Pastor Eric for details...
The Pond Bond @ the Sparks'...Camp out in enos or a tent, whichever you prefer. Drop off at the Sparks home @ 6pm on Friday and pick up on Saturday...
Frankie's in Raleigh! Leaving right after church @ 11:30am and return @ 7pm. Cost is $35 bring extra money for arcade & food!! RSVP BY 8/29
Breakout Room, leave church @ 3pm and return @ 7pm...Cost is $25, RSVP by September 15th
Cedarock Park, leave after church @11:30am. Money needed for lunch. Return to church @6pm. Wear close toed shoes, bring a towel and extra clothes!
Amazing Race! Drop off at the church @3pm....finish with dinner back at the church @6pm...pick up students @ 7pm