EASTER PROGRAM 10:30am & 4:00pm
Join us for a special service today in celebration of our Risen Savior Jesus Christ!
Join us for a special service today in celebration of our Risen Savior Jesus Christ!
We will be meeting to discuss and plan for our Vacation Bible School - Twist & Shout! Dinner will be provided
We are heading to the Billy Graham Library! You must sign up by May 28th to go. We need the exact amount of people attending so we can make sure we have enough tickets and transportation. Please contact the church office or see Mrs. Pat if you are interested in going. Thanks! COST: $$ for...
We will be having a community yard sale at the church. Bring your "treasures" and set up a table with us! If you are interested in joining us please see JD for more information...
Contact the church for more information
Contact the church office for more information
Since we were not able to have our annual Memorial weekend picnic we decided to have it on Wednesday, July 19th! We are asking you to bring the same items you signed up for in May and the church will provide the all meat...if you have any questions please contact the church office. ALSO, please...
We will take time during our morning service to pray over our teachers and students as they begin this school year!
Voting will be done at the close of the service.